Flow Social - 1 Pass

$20.00 every month

Unlock the full experience with our All Access Pass! For just $90 a month, you gain unlimited access to:

  • Classes: Join any class on our schedule, whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned pro, there’s something for everyone.

  • Socials: Connect with fellow members and enjoy our social events. These are great opportunities to build your community.

  • Workshops: Participate in a variety of workshops designed to deepen your skills and expand your knowledge.

  • Events: Attend all special events hosted by Flow Studios.


Unlock the full experience with our All Access Pass! For just $90 a month, you gain unlimited access to:

  • Classes: Join any class on our schedule, whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned pro, there’s something for everyone.

  • Socials: Connect with fellow members and enjoy our social events. These are great opportunities to build your community.

  • Workshops: Participate in a variety of workshops designed to deepen your skills and expand your knowledge.

  • Events: Attend all special events hosted by Flow Studios.

Unlock the full experience with our All Access Pass! For just $90 a month, you gain unlimited access to:

  • Classes: Join any class on our schedule, whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned pro, there’s something for everyone.

  • Socials: Connect with fellow members and enjoy our social events. These are great opportunities to build your community.

  • Workshops: Participate in a variety of workshops designed to deepen your skills and expand your knowledge.

  • Events: Attend all special events hosted by Flow Studios.